Reducing Emissions through AdBlue Tank Temperature Control in Diesel Engines with SCR System

Héctor José Valcárcel Castillo, Jojan Valle De La Cruz, Luis Crisostomo-Soto, Gonzalo Sulca-Ramos, Kener Velasquez-Colorado, Deyby Maycol Huamanchahua Canchanya

Producción científica: Libro o Capítulo del libro Contribución a la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva


The AdBlue system consists of inserting the urea-water mixture into the exhaust pipe to reduce the emission of polluting gases. Hence, the liquid and exhaust pipe temperatures are essential factors. This research aims to implement a temperature control and monitoring system for AdBlue deposits when they are affected by environmental temperature and climate change. To carry out the design of the control system, the VDI 2206 methodology was used based on four stages until the modeling and analysis of the model in the LabView software. The design of the controller was obtained before the change in temperature of the environment, which affects the urea deposits, so suitable and selected components are used through a morphological matrix. Finally, this research allows controlling the state of the AdBlue deposits, since to have a good performance of emission reduction, there is a temperature range ranging from -10 to 25 ° C, for this control system is created that allows to increase the temperature or decrease it, to obtain a good performance.
Idioma originalInglés estadounidense
Título de la publicación alojadaCatalysts , Climate change , Diesel engines , Carbon emissions , Pollution control , Environmental management , Temperature control
EstadoIndizado - 2023

Palabras clave

  • Catalysts , Climate change , Diesel engines , Carbon emissions , Pollution control , Environmental management , Temperature control

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