Virtual Store of Personalized Sale for Footwear in the SME sector

Iralmy Yipsy Platero Morejon, Luis Enrique Condor Quispe, Joseph Raul Rojas Estrada, Franz Eduardo Cardenas Aquino, Edson Raul Lazo Alvarez

Research output: Conference ProceedingPaperpeer-review


The footwear industry around the world presents a remarkable digital transformation so as not to lose competitiveness in the market, more and more people are immersed in the purchase of footwear virtually. The study focused on designing a new shopping experience through footwear customization, which provided new practices. Having a qualitative-analytical method, where a survey was developed, finding customer satisfaction results, as well as the agile method of application software oriented in business design for footwear, where an e-commerce store called "CustShoes" was developed that allows the user to experience the purchase of personalized shoes in real time making changes such as: size, colors, material, text, etc. In this way the customer can buy a customized product that arrives at home satisfying their needs.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages103
StateIndexed - 22 Aug 2023
EventProceedings of the 2023 5th International Conference on Management Science and Industrial Engineering - Chiang Mai Thailand , Chiang Mai , Thailand
Duration: 27 Apr 202329 Apr 2023
Conference number: 5


ConferenceProceedings of the 2023 5th International Conference on Management Science and Industrial Engineering
CityChiang Mai

Bibliographical note

Luis Enrique Condor Quispe, Joseph Raul Rojas Estrada, Franz Eduardo
Cardenas Aquino, Iralmy Yipsy Platero Morejon, and Edson Raul Lazo
Alvarez. 2023. Virtual Store of Personalized Sale for Footwear in the SME
sector. In 2023 5th International Conference on Management Science and
Industrial Engineering (MSIE 2023), April 27–29, 2023, Bangkok, Thailand.
ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages.

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