Design of an Automation System for the Production of Soil-Cement Blocks

Deyvid Froilan Matamoros-Paitan, Efrain Junior Dolorier-Flores, Faifer Alanya-Almonacid, Albert Jorddy Valenzuela-Inga, Juan Gabriel Benito-Zuniga, Jesus Angel Huaman-Chavez, Lizbett N. Mantari-Ramos, Giovene Perez-Campomanes

Research output: Chapter in Book/ReportConference contributionpeer-review

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publication2023 Ieee 13th Annual Computing And Communication Workshop And Conference, Ccwc
EditorsR Paul
Number of pages7
StateIndexed - 2023


  • Compressive strength
  • Automation
  • Cost analysis
  • Soil blocks

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