Luis Florencio Mucha Hospinal

Luis Florencio Mucha Hospinal, PhD


Personal profile

Personal profile

Graduate in Mathematics and Physics, Master in Education, Doctor in Teacher Education at the Universidad Peruana Los Andes: Faculty of Administrative and Accounting Sciences, Teacher at the Graduate School of Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Teaching Pas EPG National University of Huancavelica: Master in Sciences of Health, Teaching Country EPG.UPLA: Master of Health Sciences. Teaching Pas EPG National University Daniel Alcides Carrión: Master in Stomatology. Peer reviewer of scientific articles in indexed magazines: Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, Asían Journal of Education and Social Studies, South Asían Journal of Social Studies and Economics, Cuban Journal of Information in Health Sciences, member of the health research ethics committee Hospital II-2 Santa Gema de Yurimaguas, speaker at the II International Congress of Multidisciplinary Research CIIM 2023, speaker at the IV Multidisciplinary Scientific Congress LATAM 2023